Foreign Direct Investment
If you are looking to invest in the Boston region, New Hampshire is the place to locate your company. As the No. 1 state for business friendliness in the United States, New Hampshire is only 45 minutes from Boston.
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Live Free in New Hampshire | America's #1 State for Opportunity
New Hampshire Office of International Commerce
If you're looking for a life with endless opportunity, New Hampshire has you covered.
New Hampshire Foreign Trade Zones
New Hampshire Office of International Commerce
The state's application for federal approval to expand Foreign Trade Zone #81 has been approved by the Foreign Trade Zones Board, according to Geno Marconi, director of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors.
NHADEC Supports Aerospace and Defense Exports
New Hampshire Office of International Commerce
The New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium is one of the only export consortia in the nation. Founded in 2013, NHADEC’s goal is to increase the international trade opportunities for over 300 businesses that are part of these growing sectors in the state.
Members representing companies of all sizes meet regularly to share knowledge, market research and other experiences to ensure the industry is poised at all times to meet the needs of the global marketplace.
Members representing companies of all sizes meet regularly to share knowledge, market research and other experiences to ensure the industry is poised at all times to meet the needs of the global marketplace.
New Hampshire Export Statistics
New Hampshire Office of International Commerce
New Hampshire exports a variety of products each year to over 180 countries around the world. The countries to which New Hampshire exports and the commodities are included in the lists below. Exports of New Hampshire products in 2019 totaled $5.8 billion.
Export Assistance
New Hampshire Office of International Commerce
New Hampshire's Office of International Commerce works with companies and manufacturers of all sizes to connect them to a world of opportunity in overseas markets. Our knowledgeable team offers information, training and customized services to help your business access the global marketplace.
If you are looking to invest in the Boston region, New Hampshire is the place to locate your company. As the No. 1 state for business friendliness in the United States, New Hampshire is only 45 minutes from Boston.

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