ATS-3100 Radio Test Set for Mission-Critical Radio Test
Flexibility to Test Legacy and Modern Radios on One Platform
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Extend the life of your legacy radios while simultaneously supporting modern radio technology, both airborne
and ground, with the ATS-3100 Radio Test Set (RTS) - the complete solution for military and commercial radio test.
The ATS-3100 RTS is a PXIe-based, benchtop, software-defined platform, handling the work of multiple instruments to verify the functionality of both legacy radios (e.g. SINCGARS) and modern wideband radios (e.g.
AN/PRC-117G) from virtually any OEM.
and ground, with the ATS-3100 Radio Test Set (RTS) - the complete solution for military and commercial radio test.
The ATS-3100 RTS is a PXIe-based, benchtop, software-defined platform, handling the work of multiple instruments to verify the functionality of both legacy radios (e.g. SINCGARS) and modern wideband radios (e.g.
AN/PRC-117G) from virtually any OEM.

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