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FlameSpec HD Flame Detection
Fire & Gas Detection
The FlameSpec-HD flame detector provides exceptional detection performance of all types of hydrocarbon fires (visible and non-visible). With UV-IR detection and and IR3 H2 non-Hydrocarbon and Hydrogen Fires
The detector responds to slow growing fires as well as fast fire eruptions using improved triple IR (IR3) technology. The IP68 housing and heated optics keep the detector operating in all weather and light conditions with highest immunity to false alarms.
The Built-In-Test function continually checks window integrity and provides a Dirty Optics warning increasing uptime.
The detector provides high-definition (HD) video output of the monitored area with imaging of fire events and personnel at distances up to 260 ft. (80m) and Blackbox recording
This allows the hazard management & first responders team to be aware of the exact situation before entering the hazardous area.
The detector responds to slow growing fires as well as fast fire eruptions using improved triple IR (IR3) technology. The IP68 housing and heated optics keep the detector operating in all weather and light conditions with highest immunity to false alarms.
The Built-In-Test function continually checks window integrity and provides a Dirty Optics warning increasing uptime.
The detector provides high-definition (HD) video output of the monitored area with imaging of fire events and personnel at distances up to 260 ft. (80m) and Blackbox recording
This allows the hazard management & first responders team to be aware of the exact situation before entering the hazardous area.
FlameSpec IR3 HD Flame Detection
Fire & Gas Detection
The FlameSpec-IR3-HD flame detector provides exceptional detection performance of all types of hydrocarbon fires (visible and non-visible).
The detector responds to slow growing fires as well as fast fire eruptions using improved triple IR (IR3) technology operating in all weather and light conditions with highest immunity to false alarms.
The detector provides high-definition (HD) video output of the monitored area with near IR filtered imaging of fire events and personnel at distances up to 80m. This allows the hazard management & first responders team to be aware of the exact situation before entering the hazardous area.
The detector responds to slow growing fires as well as fast fire eruptions using improved triple IR (IR3) technology operating in all weather and light conditions with highest immunity to false alarms.
The detector provides high-definition (HD) video output of the monitored area with near IR filtered imaging of fire events and personnel at distances up to 80m. This allows the hazard management & first responders team to be aware of the exact situation before entering the hazardous area.
Flame Spec

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