Acutec Precision Aerospace - It All Starts Here - Capabilities
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Our History | Acutec Precision Aerospace, Inc.
Acutec Precision Aerospace
Before cofounding Acutec in 1988, Rob Smith was a tire salesman who understood the importance of being engaged with customers. The name Acutec was the idea of his wife Nancy one afternoon, short for 'accurate technology'. In 1994, Rob had little choice: either buy out the company or face closure by the bank.
Production Capabilities | Acutec Precision Aerospace, Inc.
Acutec Precision Aerospace
Acutec Precision Aerospace has over 225 state of the art, computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools for the precision manufacture of customer's components, with high-end machines from the greatest machine builders in the world. Acutec is established as a premier long and short run part milling facility in northwestern Pennsylvania and the world.
Acutec Precision Aerospace - Safety
Acutec Precision Aerospace
Product Lines | Acutec Precision Aerospace, Inc.
Acutec Precision Aerospace
Acutec's origins can be traced damping and rotor industry. We manufacture shims, inner and outer members, shimmy damper housings and mounts as well as pitch adjustment, blade bolts, and almost any other rotor component and sub-assembly. Acutec is familiar with the tight tolerances, surface finish and assembly requirements of these flight-critical parts.

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