Astronics Test Systems ensures optimal performance of mission critical systems through innovative test solutions.
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Astronics Test Systems
Here's a quick view on how we work side-by-side with you to deliver innovative technology solutions for aerospace, defense, and other mission-critical indust...
ATS-3100 Radio Test Set for Mission-Critical Radio Test
Astronics Test Systems
Extend the life of your legacy radios while simultaneously supporting modern radio technology, both airborne
and ground, with the ATS-3100 Radio Test Set (RTS) - the complete solution for military and commercial radio test.
The ATS-3100 RTS is a PXIe-based, benchtop, software-defined platform, handling the work of multiple instruments to verify the functionality of both legacy radios (e.g. SINCGARS) and modern wideband radios (e.g.
AN/PRC-117G) from virtually any OEM.
and ground, with the ATS-3100 Radio Test Set (RTS) - the complete solution for military and commercial radio test.
The ATS-3100 RTS is a PXIe-based, benchtop, software-defined platform, handling the work of multiple instruments to verify the functionality of both legacy radios (e.g. SINCGARS) and modern wideband radios (e.g.
AN/PRC-117G) from virtually any OEM.
Astronics Test Systems ensures optimal performance of mission critical systems through innovative test solutions. Leveraging 60 years’ experience, we offer automatic test expertise to electronics manufacturers in aerospace, military, mass transit, urgent communications, and space industries. Our test solutions ensure the world’s most advanced electronics perform as designed, every time.

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