Services Virtual Chief Information Security Officers Full-Time Chief Information Security Officer With the increased number of cyber-attacks on global systems, these professionals are a valuable and necessary asset. An alternative to an on-site full-time CISO is a virtual CISO (vCISO) that provides the same benefits but holds meetings and staff collaboration off-site.
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Products & Services
Cyber Threat Intelligence
Resecurity Inc.
An intelligence platform for enterprises and governments to accelerate threat analysis. Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform With the emergence of new threats and security challenges on a daily basis, it's now more than ever important to use effective tools to achieve a timely in-depth analysis of any digital threat.
Risk Product Datasheet
Resecurity Inc.
Risk Product Datasheet
The Next-Generation Platform for Enterprise Endpoint Protection
Resecurity Inc.
A revolution in cybersecurity for Enterprises of all sizes. 4.7 M Consumers Protected by Resecurity 12 B Digital Risk Indicators Analyzed 100 B Enterprise Assets Under Protection 24/7 Lightweight and intelligent, instantly blocks attacks and records endpoint activity by leveraging rich APIs. Accelerate response to threats by using smart-mesh technologies to identify, block and mitigate threats.
Endpoint Protection Platform
Resecurity Inc.
Advanced threat detection and monitoring to streamline and secure your cybersecurity environment. Radical growth in online technologies has led to an increased attack surface, leading to a myriad of unprecedented new risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.
Resecurity - Corporate Video
Resecurity Inc.
Resecurity - Advisories
Resecurity Inc.
Keep up-to-date with the latest security advisories published by Resecurity. Keep up to date with the latest cybersecurity news and developments. By subscribing, I understand and agree that my personal data will be collected and processed according to the Privacy and Cookies Policy
Resecurity EndPoint Protection
Resecurity Inc.
Digital Risk Monitoring
Resecurity Inc.
Receive actionable risk intelligence about any significant changes to your security posture. Time is our most valuable resource in cybersecurity. Leverage Risk tm to automate your digital risk management and receive insight about any significant changes to your security posture due to Dark Web, data breach, compromised credentials, network infections and other security incidents.
Resecurity Context Datasheet
Resecurity Inc.

Ayman Alshobaki
Resecurity Inc.
Business Development Manager

Ben Ouano
Resecurity Inc.
Chief Operating Officer

Gene Yoo
Resecurity Inc.

Gene Yoo
Resecurity Inc.

Jorge Chugandro
Resecurity Inc.
Business Development Manager

Kateryna Shur
Resecurity Inc.
Project Manager

Mark Kelly
Resecurity Inc.

Talal Alshobaki
Resecurity Inc.
Services Virtual Chief Information Security Officers Full-Time Chief Information Security Officer With the increased number of cyber-attacks on global systems, these professionals are a valuable and necessary asset. An alternative to an on-site full-time CISO is a virtual CISO (vCISO) that provides the same benefits but holds meetings and staff collaboration off-site.

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