Triaxial Braiding
The braiding process is one of the most practical and effective manufacturing methods available to the composite industry today. To place the economy of braiding in perspective, it is estimated that 40% of conventional filament winding would be more cost effective by braiding.
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Resin Transfer Molding
Albany Engineered Composites
Albany Engineered Composites (AEC) has placed considerable emphasis on the development of in-house resin transfer molding for the fabrication of high performance structural composites. Resin transfer molding produces parts to net shape with good surface finish, low void content and required levels of fiber volume.
Hand Lay-up Composite Structures
Albany Engineered Composites
Albany Engineered Composites (AEC) has more than four decades of experience in design and fabrication of composite structures, many of which have been fabricated using pre-preg materials and lay-up autoclave cure processing. AEC facilities have the capability to manufacture composite structures using a variety of material systems including Epoxy, BMI, Phenolic, Cynate Ester, and high-temperature Polyimide resins.
LEAP Fan Case
Albany Engineered Composites
Composite fan module (comprised of blades, platforms, spacers, and fan case) is 300 pounds lighter compared to equivalent metallic components per engine. Improvements in damage tolerance, durability and resultant reductions in maintenance costs provide clear value proposition.
Discover the third Safran and Albany plant!
Albany Engineered Composites
Discover the third Safran and Albany composite fan blade production plant, for LEAP engine, in Mexico.
Automatic Fiber Placement
Albany Engineered Composites
Albany UT Location
STaR - Struts, Tubes and Rods
Albany Engineered Composites
The AEC STaR product line meets the aerospace industry demand for high-performance, light-weight structural composite hardware providing high strength-to-weight ratio vs. traditional metallic parts. Using patented manufacturing technology licensed by Bodair S.A. and a unique monolithic design, AEC produces struts, tubes and rods for commercial and military aircraft applications that exceed other composite production methods in weight savings.
Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding
Albany Engineered Composites
As an extension of our Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) expertise, AEC offers our customers the capability to perform Vacuum assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VaRTM) for large composite structures. VaRTM is a process for molding fiber reinforced composite structures in which a sheet of flexible transparent material such as nylon or Mylar plastic is placed over the preform on the mold and sealed.
Primary Airframe Structural Assemblies and Components
Albany Engineered Composites
Albany Engineered Composites (AEC) provides a full spectrum of design, analysis, fabrication and assembly of primary aerospace airframe structural assemblies and components, including: Fuselage and wing skins (co-cured stiffeners) Ribs and spars Frames Rotor blades Control surfaces AEC employs the latest in sophisticated manufacturing processes and technologies necessary for the fabrication of the most complex and close-tolerance structures.
LEAP Fan Blade
Albany Engineered Composites
Customer: Snecma (Safran Group) Composite fan module (comprised of blades, platforms, spacers, and fan case) is 300 pounds lighter compared to equivalent metallic components per engine Through a highly collaborative relationship AEC and Snecma (Safran group) have developed 3D composite fan module components for the next-generation LEAP TM aircraft engine.
Aerospace Composite Tanks
Albany Engineered Composites
Since 1967, Albany Engineered Composites (AEC) has been a leading designer and producer of composite tanks for commercial and defense applications. As a pioneer in composite tank technology, AEC continues to apply and advance this specialized technology to meet current and future requirements and applications.
Tremendous Autoclave Capacity in Variety of Sizes and Locations
Albany Engineered Composites
Albany TX
Highly Trained Diversified Workforce
Albany Engineered Composites
Bruce Willard
Albany Engineered Composites
Sr. Manager, Key Accounts
Hans-Peter Fuchs
Albany Engineered Composites
Senior Manager Business Development
Albany Engineered Composites
Business Development Manager
Rick Sharpe
Albany Engineered Composites
Advisor to AEC President
Shirley Wagstaff
Albany Engineered Composites
Shirley Wagstaff
Albany Engineered Composites
Shirley Wagstaff
Albany Engineered Composites
Senior Executive Assistant
The braiding process is one of the most practical and effective manufacturing methods available to the composite industry today. To place the economy of braiding in perspective, it is estimated that 40% of conventional filament winding would be more cost effective by braiding.
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